......And the man he was Part 2

I met him once again ,same place same time .........he was the same , the same cursing  and a slap or two to his  Machines.....
he came to the same Table , and cursing loudly asked for his tea .....then he looked around , saw me sitting ..........a glimmer or knowing some one  sparked for a moment , then it went to the same stony look ...
.....after having a sip or two from his cup .........he looked up and said...." do you think I am cruel ....?? "
I remained silent .............he then waived to his Machines ....and said no I am not ...........do you know  its their own parents.....!!
then after a pause ...................said ,do you know they  " Rent " them out .....its their way or earning..........thats why they breed like rabbits...
Father will use the mother ........and every year she will churn out a boy or a girl..........then after 6-7 years , father will start " renting " out his ......." fruit of his loin "..........to some seth ,....every year he will go and collect Advance on his child .......the more the children , the more he can "Rent " out...
Eids, Bakra Eids, and Ramzans are the seasons, .........he will rent them out to US ....on a daily , weekly .........and montly basis.
how much we earn from them , is our business.........and he will be busy ......riding his wife to produce One more ......girl or boy does not matters....
.....and thats how and why they even send them to the Shieikh Kingdom....camel jokey you know.....2 - 3 years of windfall.....and a cripeled child back.......to be rented to us from the next season.
...........I kept silent, kept looking at him empty headed......then I remembered.....he  had a  son too.......which he is using as a " machine " now..
but could not muster enough courage to ask him about him.
.........I Just stood up and walked away........I felt his piercing eyes on my back....but kept walking..
