The Essence of Centuries

Have you ever wondered , why its the older people who tell stories and legends…?? My grandfather used to tell me stories , me while sitting in his lap , of all the world , ..its another matter I don’t remember much of those stories and legends…

Have you ever wondered , why children are so interested in those stories….??
there was a time , when this was a tradition , Older folks would tell stories to children ….and thus transfer the wisdom , accumulated over ages to them….
the accumulated essence of knowledge and wisdom was thus transferred to the new generation.
Now media and its sources have taken over this Job., for example TV …
its a torrent of information , but then it merely transfers the information , not the wisdom , because to transfer wisdom ….. a soul has to connect with another soul.
what the Old Soul …transferred to the young New Soul …it transferred the SOUL itself, the essence …. it does not happens now.
centuries are now mere moments , but then [the essence of those centuries] …. its not there.
But then evolution is about to have another quantum change , a change in the level of human consciousness is about to happen , from the individual to the collective ….
Millions are now connected to each other , through a system without being even aware of others existence [ properly aware ] …. in front of our/your computer screen ….connected to each other …. but strangers…
Note: this is a crude translation of one of my iLogs.,…..elsewhere..
